When people talk about what happened to the twin towers on September 11th 2001, they usually say that all they really know about it is that we were attacked by terrorists flying a plane into the towers. Many people don't know the truth about what really happened. The evidence is there and the truth is that the government is hiding it. I was clueless before I watched this movie about what happened.
After watching this, I wondered why would the government do such a thing. I pushed it aside and forgot about it completely. Until just last night I was sent the most interesting and convenient movie I've ever seen. I can honestly say that this movie has changed my view on this world and the people controlling it forever. People can believe what they want, and say that these facts are made up and fake and none of us really know what's going on right in front of us.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Stefani Germanotta - Performance Artist or Pop Star?

Lady Gaga in my opinion has changed music in our generation forever. With her extremely unique outfits and catchy pop music she has captivated millions of people. I really am interested in her because I feel that she an incridible similarity to the famous Andy Warhol. Andy Warhol is known for his pop art, film making and amazing print making. I find them very similar because Gaga not only incorporates pop art into each and every outfit that she wears but also, she goes over the edge every single time she performs as if she's pushing limits. Pushing limits is what Andy Warhol did, and he did it well. He was unique, and so is Gaga.
In my opinion Lady Gaga has traits that would be consider her a Performance artist and also a Pop star. The fact that she incorporates art into her performances and outfits shows that she is a performance artist, she tries to have direct contact and communication with her audience, calling them her "Monsters". This is very similar to what a performance artist does, which convinces me that she is a performance artist. Also, Lady Gaga has released the most well known songs in the past few years. If i was to walk up to someone and say "Just Dance, Gonna be Okay", people would most definitely recognize the song. This applies to most of her songs as they are very catchy. I think it's incredible that someone making music these days has the ability to incorporate both of these amazing performance styles. Not only is Lady Gaga changing music like others have in the past, but she's changing the way art is incorporated into music, more than anyone else has.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
The re-appropriation of the "N" word.

The word originally came from the Spanish and Portuguese term "Negro" which means black. Ever since the 1600's people would use this word to describe black slaves. During 1995 the word was normally used by Americans during and after the trial of O.J Simpson. In my opinion the re-appropriation of this word has hindered black people in Canada. To this day I believe that if someone was to call a black person by this word, it wouldn't be acceptable. The fact that this word has been re-appropriated really bugs me because of the past use of the word. Years ago, blacks were treated like dirt, were called by this word and were terribly used. In my opinion, and many other people's opinions, there is a difference between a white person using this word, and a black person. This is because I, and many people believe that it shows ignorance and insensitivity to racial culture and history when a white person uses the word. A common saying in todays world between people using this word is 'My nigger'. I often hear this being said between two black friends or from a black person to a white person. I find that this is appropriate because it's referring to the word as something positive. I've also heard many negative uses of the word during fights or arguments, which I believe is absolutely wrong. The re-appropriation of this word in my opinion isn't necessary, judging from what has happened to blacks in the past.
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