So I am now officially settled back in London, Ontario and am back to work in the newsroom for XFM News and 106.9 The X. I am also finished applying to Universities, which is a relief because it's a very long process to choose the program you will be taking for up to four years. But I narrowed my choices down to York in Toronto, Laurentian in Sudbury and Laurier in Waterloo. All, AMAZING schools, so I would be happy attending either one. They are all Communications Degree programs! Hopefully this one day will come in useful when I work in the field as a producer, announcer, host, reporter or director.

Also, I have added TONS of new audio work to my "Broadcast Work" page, so feel free to check those out as well. I will have some new ones up quite frequently as I'm keeping myself super busy!
Thanks for all the support from anyone who even glances at my blog, and even those who express to me how proud they are. I wouldn't be anywhere in my life without support from friends, family and co-workers.
Wish me luck and I will keep everyone updated on my University Applications!
xo Tara